Knowledge & Expertise

to ensure your family has the cleanest and safest water


Our Water Treatment Services address multiple water contaminates…

Whether it’s hard water, iron, hydrogen sulfide, PH, and bacteria… We’ve got a solution for you! We also specialize in reverse osmosis drinking water and back-flow preventer testing. Call today to see what services are best for you!


The Products


Fleck 5600 Water Softener

The Fleck 5600 Water softener is a timer model ion exchange water softener. This unit has a 12 day wheel to use to schedule backwash cycles for it to clean itself. This system is like most water softeners, has a resin media that uses salt ions to remove calcium hardness. This residential system can use ¾ inch or 1 inch flow. 


Fleck 5800 SXT Water Softener

The Fleck 5800sxt Water Softener is a metered/ on demand model Ion Exchange water softener. This unit counts the gallons of water used in your home and only backwashes when it needs too. By having this feature it makes for the most efficient style water softener saving you countless dollars on salt. This softener has a resin media that uses salt ions to remove calcium hardness. This residential softener can be used with ¾ inch and 1 inch flow. 


Trojan UV

This Ultra Violet light system is used to kill bacteria in your water on demand as your water is used. The bulb on this unit has a one year life span and the power supply shows you when the bulb has burned out. This residential unit has a 99.99% proven effectiveness on removing bacteria, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia. 


Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System

Leading the way with filtering drinking water in the United States, this residential 5 stage Reverse Osmosis system filters contaminates from your drinking water. This system will make up to 50 gallons of filtered water per day. It has its own faucet installed at your sink. These faucets come in all colors to match your existing faucet. On most applications we will also run this filtered water to your refrigerator so that the ice you use is filtered as well. During these most recent times living in a pandemic, with this system you will never go without “bottled water” again. 


Iron and Hydrogen Sulfide System

Leading the way with Iron and Hydrogen Sulfide removal, this Fleck AIO system is sure to take care of your well water needs. This system is chemical free and does everything on its own. One system will remove up to 4 ppm of iron. You will need a second tank in series if your Iron is over that. Using Oxygen to oxidize the Iron and Hydrogen sulfide in the water allows this system to remove these contaminants in its media bed. It will backwash daily to clean itself so it can continue to give you clean and clear water without a smell. 


Acid Neutralizer

The Acid Neutralizer uses a Calcium Carbonate media called Calcite that dissolves into your water to raise the PH of acidic water to a more neutral PH level.


Backwashing Sediment Filter

The sediment filter is a backwashing filter that will remove sediment from the water. By backwashing, it cleans itself saving you the hassle of changing cartridge filters. The Filter-Ag media has been used for decades in the removal of dirt and sediment from well water.   



This self-priming chlorinator system is used to kill bacteria and used for eliminating Hydrogen Sulfide. The pump is wired to your pressure switch so that when the well kicks on, you’re pumping the chlorine solution in to the retention tank. The retention tank slows the water down to give the chlorine solution time to kill the bacteria or odor.  

Contact us.


P.O. Box 99, Hedgesville, WV, 25427